Connect to Save Registration

Thank you for participating in Connect to Save!

Connect to Save is a subscription-based rebate from your local electric cooperative that offers residential members rewards for reducing energy usage during peak periods through enrolled smart devices.

Your local electric cooperative uses the data from your smart charging station which includes dates, times and total charging energy – to manage the energy grid for optimum efficiency.

Note: Your JuiceBox smart charging station must be connected to WiFi in order to participate in the program. Here are WiFi setup instructions.

Please enter your electric account # and your 28-digit JuiceNet ID.

First Name*
Please let us know your First Name.

Last Name*
Please let us know your Last Name.

Your Email*
Please let us know your email address.

Please let us know your Phone.

Please let us know your Address.

Please let us know your City.

Zip code*
Please let us know your Zip code.

Please let us know your State.

Electric Account Number*
Please let us know your Electric Account Number.

JuiceNet ID*
Please let us know your JuiceNet ID.

Add another JuiceNet ID

Not sure what your JuiceNet ID is? Your JuiceNet ID is a 28 character code located on the side label of your JuiceBox.

Enter code:*
Enter code:
RefreshCode entered below was Invalid. Please re-enter code to submit the application.


Which EV chargers qualify for the program? Where can I buy the newest JuiceBox charging station? Additional questions?